• What will happen to the organ?

    Our current organ will be installed in the updated sanctuary.  Most people don’t know this, but our current organ is a state-of-the-art digital organ that

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  • Why are we just renovating the Sanctuary space and not building a new Sanctuary?

    In order to be good stewards of the church, after an in-depth assessment, it was determined that building a new space was cost prohibitive and

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  • What will technology look like in the new Sanctuary space? 

    We will have updated video and audio equipment that will enhance the worship experience. 

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  • Why is the main Sanctuary section not sloped like the side transepts?

    Redesigning the main/large section of the church to slope downward toward the chancel was cost prohibitive.

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  • Where will our large worship take place during the renovation if we are unable to meet in the Sanctuary?

    Over the Summer of 2023, we will move all worship services to the Summit. When Fellowship Hall is completed in the Fall of 2023, we

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  • How long will it take to renovate the Sanctuary and can we continue to worship in that space during renovation?

    When the Sanctuary was first constructed, it took over two years to build. Since then, there have been updates made (like adding the transepts and

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  • How many people will the new Sanctuary accommodate?

    The new Sanctuary will have 1450 seats. We are reducing the number of seats in the Sanctuary from 1750. However, of those 1750 seats currently

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  • Why are we removing the transept balconies?

    Removing the balconies in the transepts allows for a larger and more open feel to the space. In addition, we are able to provide theatre

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  • How does the view of the Sanctuary change when looking at it from Roswell Road?

    The outside of the church building, including our steeple will not change. There will be the addition of the green space which will be installed

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