Featured Stories
What does the Renewing the Promise mean to a younger family with school-aged boys?
Watch the video to hear about the Wardens and the role Peachtree Church plays in the life of their family.
Warden Family
The Robertsons have been a part of Peachtree for 35 years. They began as a young couple and have marked many of the significant events of their lives—and the lives of their kids—at Peachtree.
Renewing the Promise will enable us to continue to serve families like the Robertsons in the decades to come.
The Robertson Family
Renewing the Promise means to invest in the youth and invest in the future. This move and this change is worth it to help the students have a space where they can encounter God–so we can continue to welcome them in, to spread the love and joy of God to them.
They’re the church not only of tomorrow, but of today. This investment of Renewing the Promise is worth it because the youth are worth it.
Schneider Alexis
Excited for the Next Chapter
Beth grew up at Peachtree Church. Rick grew up Catholic. After dating for a few years, they began to attend here. “I asked Beth to marry me, and she gave me a conditional “yes” stating, once we settle on a church home, we can make plans to get married. Little did I realize how God was preparing my heart for future service to him.”
Stevens Family

12 years ago, when August and Jonathan Trammell were planning their wedding, they explored what kind of community they would need for their faith journey together. Drawn by a deep sense of community, they chose Peachtree as their church home.
August and Jonathan Trammell

Coming Back to Church
Lee and Carole Hord joined the Gym at Peachtree when they were still dating. Carole had been raised in the church. Lee had not. Carole shares, “I felt like something was missing and wanted to get back into going to church. Since we liked the folks we met at the Gym, we decided to try Peachtree.” They joined in 2000, soon after Dr. Vic Pentz became the new Senior Pastor.
Lee and Carole Hord

More Peachtree Stories
Renewing the Promise is a tangible means by which we can show our appreciation to God while furthering His Kingdom’s work through Peachtree. Our gift not only signifies our long-term commitment to Peachtree, but our desire to leave a strong legacy for the next 100 years of our church.
Bill and Dana T.
Over the years these people, these programs, these buildings have continuously given to us and to the community. We are better because of what Peachtree has done for us. We have seen Peachtree expand and improve several times—always for the Glory of God.
Renewing the Promise will enable us to minister to families for decades to come. We have been the recipients from those that invested in Peachtree before us, and now it is our opportunity to support this effort, not for our benefit, but for the families that are just starting out as we were thirty-three years ago.
Joy and Kennard N.
It’s a big church but we have found so many small communities within it. There are so many close friendships we have formed. We have loved ushering and Bible study. Many friendships were made there as well.
We are so happy to be a part of the Renewing the Promise campaign. The church needs a lot of work to really prepare for the future. It’s our pleasure to help this happen.
Millie and Dale T
Peachtree has become an extension of our family. It has brought us a sense of belonging and support by people that we feel loved and known by. It has helped develop us spiritually, which feeds into every other aspect of our lives.
Renewing the Promise is about creating warmer and more welcoming spaces to grow in relationship with one another—and in areas that will impact our son’s introduction to the faith as he grows up.
Ross and Mary M.
“In our 50 years at Peachtree, the faces and facilities may have changed, but the church has remained such a blessing for three generations of our family. We’ve been inspired to give generously to this place that has been an anchor through our joys and sorrows. Peachtree is everything we believe a church should be. We can’t wait to see what the next 50 years hold!”
Will W.
My hope and dream for the future of Peachtree is for the church to continue to have an environment, both physically and spiritually, that draws in and keeps young families engaged. With church attendance and identification with Christianity on a steep decline in our country, it is crucial that vibrant congregations like Peachtree do not lose their impact, their community, and their relevance. To achieve that, we need to invest in the future today.
August T.
By the grace of God and with our eyes fixed on Jesus, we pray that Peachtree will continue to be a pillar for so many others as we boldly seek to be a light in a world.
Rick S.

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